Snap Search Results

Photographs and sounds going into an ear and then to the brain

Soundtrack of Silence – Snap Classic

August 20, 2020
When a young man is told is he going deaf, he sets out on a challenge to memorize the songs that defined his life. He had no idea that those...

A girl with headphones speaking into a microphone, in the palm of a woman's hands.


August 6, 2020
A rowdy radio show. A sick listener. A Radio DJ who gets in way, way too deep.

The Miniature Wife, Snap #611 – To The Brink

May 13, 2016
What happens when you shrink your wife… literally? Writer Manuel Gonzales brings us a fictional tale of marital mayhem.

Snap Presents “The Truth” by Jonathan Mitchell

January 3, 2017
Snap presents a special audio fiction episode featuring Jonathan Mitchell's "The Truth."

Caught Up

June 19, 2015
You think you make your own decisions, go your own way, forge your own path, but you look up and're playing someone else's game. We proudly present,"Caught Up."

The Accidental Arms Dealer, Snap #615 – Caught Up

July 8, 2016
A young massage therapist in Miami beach gets the business offer of a lifetime. So he shakes hands with the devil and hopes for the best.

Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Snap #525 – Presto

November 13, 2015
When he was freshman in High School, David Hill learned that sometimes the best trick isn’t magical at all.

Lost In Time

October 10, 2017
There are good reasons in some places that the signs warn to stay on the path. On Spooked we ignore the warnings, jump the fence,peek through the keyhole, and open...

Seeking Asian Female, Snap Special – Heart’s Desire

March 21, 2017
What if an older white male started chasing young Asian females? Is that right? Is that racist?

Mohamed v. The War On Terror, Snap #729 – Inside Scoop

November 11, 2016
If you're a Syrian citizen immediately after 9/11 might not be the best time to board a plane without your green card.