Dirty Work – Snap Classic

April 2, 2020

When the scariest man in town is arrested for murder, only one lawyer is willing to represent him. And a well-mannered kid becomes a first-class hustler through an ancient carnie tradition. Snap Judgment presents, “Dirty Work.” Amazing stories from real people who roll up their sleeves and get down to it


Crossing Guard Blues

When Glynn becomes a crossing guard, it isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

Produced by Pat Mesiti-Miller

The Writing is on the Wall

When the scariest man in town is arrested for murder, only one lawyer is willing to represent him.

Produced by Joe Rosenberg, original score by Renzo Gorrio

The Indiana Bust-Out

A well-mannered math kid becomes a first-class hustler through an ancient carnie tradition.Ӭ

Thank you, Pete, for sharing your story with us! Check out Pete’s book, Eyeing the Flash: The Making of a Carnival Con Artist

Produced by Davey Kim, original score by Leon Morimoto and Davey Kim

Snap Classic: Season 6 – Episode 30

Producer Credit:
Original Score: 


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