Easy Street – Snap Classic

July 30, 2020
A zombie cop with its mouth wide open

“Easy Street” is the irresistible ear-worm that went from a harmless little song to a hellish theme, to a war cry on the streets of Portland.

This story contains explicit language, sensitive listeners are advised.

You can find a list of freelance journalists documenting the situation in Portland compiled here. Activists have also put together this list of organizations providing support.

Listen to the original “Easy Street” song by The Collapsable Hearts Club (ft. Jim Bianco and Petra Haden). 

Listen to the Easy Street (Redux) single by The Occupy ICE PDX Alliance on Apple Music or iTunes.

Big thanks to Joe Sivick, Deena Prichep, and Tuck Woodstock.

Produced by John Fecile, original score by Renzo Gorrio

Snap Classic – Season 10 – Episode 21

Producer Credit: John Fecile
Original Score: 
Renzo Gorrio
Teo Ducot

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