The Shot

March 27, 2025
A man is shouting holding up his fist. He is wearing a Ugandan red beret.

A young filmmaker documents a political showdown between an authoritarian president and a brave Ugandan pop singer. When he aims his lens, he has no idea the shot he’s about to take. And – the story of people who come face-to-face one night in the Canyonlands of southern Utah.


The Shot

A young filmmaker documents a political showdown between an authoritarian president and a brave Ugandan pop singer. When he aims his lens, he has no idea the shot he’s about to take.

Huge thanks to the amazing Moses Bwayo! Moses’s film ‘The People’s President’ was nominated for an Academy Award, for best documentary. It received a ten minute standing ovation at its premier at the Venice film festival.

Produced by Anna Sussman and John Fecile. Original score by Renzo Gorrio, edited by Nancy Lopez, artwork by Teo Ducot.

The Incident at Poison Spider Mesa

The story of two men who come face to face one night in the canyonlands of southern Utah.

Thank you, Brody, for sharing your story. Brody Young is a Utah State Park Ranger and motivational speaker, helping people figure out how to survive the unsurvivable. To find out more about his story, be sure to check out his website.

Produced by Joe Rosenberg, original score by Leon Morimoto.

Season 16 – Episode 13

Producer Credit:
Original Score: 

Teo Ducot

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