Under Pressure

December 23, 2019

After traumatic experiences underwater, a diver falls in love with the ocean again by building a secret kingdom for seahorses.

BIG thanks to Roger Hanson. Roger’s writing a children’s book, called “A Seahorse of a Different Color,” about a unique seahorse who was born different. It comes out in June.

Roger has previously been covered by the LA Times and Spectrum Channel 1, which called him the “world’s foremost expert on the Pacific Seahorse.”

Seahorse Update: In September, pregnant Deep Blue stopped showing up. Roger thinks he was eaten by an octopus. He’s moved any remaining octopuses in the area and resettled them elsewhere. 

Produced by Liz Mak, original score by Leon Moriomoto 

Season 10 Episode 36

Producer Credit:
Original Score: 
