Fired / Snap Presents “The Specialist”
A SPECIALETTEfrom “The Specialist”— Glynn Washington, host and creator of WNYC’s Snap Judgment, on a job that was doomed from the start.
A SPECIALETTEfrom “The Specialist”— Glynn Washington, host and creator of WNYC’s Snap Judgment, on a job that was doomed from the start.
Dylan Evans had hit a wall. Life was becoming too routine, too mundane. So he did something very few of us would do to change that.
During Apartheid-era South Africa, Olivia, a government spy, finds herself on the wrong side of history.
Glynn wants to introduce some racial diversity into his dating circle.
Producer: Pat Mesiti-Miller
Go, go, go. Push, push, push. That’s all well and good, but every once in a while it’s time to kick back and look at what you already did. The Snap Judgment 2016 Look Back Special.