Snap Search Results

Spooked X – The Banshees

October 18, 2019
It's Halloween Season and Snap proudly presents, "Spooked X - The Banshees." Three tales about ladies who lurk, haunt and aren't messing around. Be afraid.

A woman with a hood is peering out through the forest. Her eyes are piercing.

Campfire Tales IX: Dismal Falls from Spooked

August 24, 2022
There are some places, deep in the woods, far away from civilization, that are magical. Chuck is hiking deep in the Appalachian woods when he stumbles upon one of these...

A haunted doll with big hair and red eyes and lips. She has a creepy smile.

Dolly – Spooked

October 20, 2022
Some dolls are pretty, some dolls are nice, some dolls are waiting for you... in the night. Oh, yes! It's time for Spooked.

A young boy is in the hills of Hawaii. There are a woman's hands wrapped on his shoulders, grasping him.

Pali Lookout – Spooked

October 26, 2022
It’s 1980, and best friends Lopaka & Sean decide to head to Pali Lookout on the island of Oahu. They’re hanging out, taking in the sights… but nothing can prepare...

An old woman with a menacing face is jumping forward at the viewer with her hands reaching forward. She has puffy white hair and a scary grin.

Hotel Hell – Spooked

October 27, 2022
Kimberly was expecting a luxurious hotel room. Someone in it… was expecting her. It’s Spooky Season and we are bringing you Spooked tales from the other side of the veil!

A sacred shrine is shown with a clay St. Francis of Assiss is in a garden surrounded by cactus.

The Sinkhole – Spooked

October 30, 2022
One day, while out landscaping his yard, Moses reaches into the dirt and pulls out a handful of bones. He wants to find out who they belong to. But that...

Spooked – Santi

October 25, 2019
When Maribel loses her little brother Santi, her very best friend in the world, she learns that love is sometimes stronger than death.

A radio show host in is the broadcast booth. There is a ghostly figure hovering over his shoulder.

The Haunting of Radio Centro from Spooked

April 14, 2023
Everyone who works at Radio Centro knows it’s haunted. But Guillermo, the host on the station’s paranormal show “Tell it Tonight,” is about to discover that he has psychic powers...

A giant wolf creature is chasing a van down an open mountain road.

Hounded from Spooked

April 18, 2024
Some roads are long and some roads wind. Some roads show you things you’d never think you’d find…

Spooked – Mrs. Hagstrom

October 17, 2019
When supernatural forces come for her kids, Curtis’s mom stands strong.Mrs. Hagstrom may be the meanest Spooked ghost yet.Don't listen alone...