The Klan – Snap Classic
A black detectiveinfiltrates the ranks of the KKK, a boogie-woogie pianist seeks out the roots of racism, and a Chinese woman receives letters from a mysterious stranger.
A black detectiveinfiltrates the ranks of the KKK, a boogie-woogie pianist seeks out the roots of racism, and a Chinese woman receives letters from a mysterious stranger.
A violent altercation from a trip a long time ago leaves Glynn wondering who his hero really was.
Ablack detective in Colorado Springs infiltrates the KKK andfinds himselfface-to-face with David Duke, the Grand Wizard.
Daryl Davis is a boogie-woogie pianist who’s played with Bill Clinton, Bruce Hornsby and Chuck Berry. But we wanted to talk to him about another group of his friends…
An American-born Chinese womanwas confident in her identity until her family moved to a new town and she began getting letters from a mysterious, (possibly magical) stranger.