The Klan – Snap Classic

The Klan – Snap Classic

A black detectiveinfiltrates the ranks of the KKK, a boogie-woogie pianist seeks out the roots of racism, and a Chinese woman receives letters from a mysterious stranger.

Flat Tire

Flat Tire

A violent altercation from a trip a long time ago leaves Glynn wondering who his hero really was.

The Klan – Snap Classic

The Real Black Klansman

Ablack detective in Colorado Springs infiltrates the KKK andfinds himselfface-to-face with David Duke, the Grand Wizard.

The Silver Dollar Lounge

The Silver Dollar Lounge

Daryl Davis is a boogie-woogie pianist who’s played with Bill Clinton, Bruce Hornsby and Chuck Berry. But we wanted to talk to him about another group of his friends…

Pen Pals

Pen Pals

An American-born Chinese womanwas confident in her identity until her family moved to a new town and she began getting letters from a mysterious, (possibly magical) stranger.