Seeking Shizuko

Seeking Shizuko

A young girl was lost to her family. Torn away from them during their time in the Japanese-American prison camps, she was institutionalized and thought to be gone. But now, somehow she is rumored to be alive.

Watching Over Mountain Village – Snap Classic

Watching Over Mountain Village – Snap Classic

Mountain Village is an Alaska Native town in the middle of nowhere. One woman is the town’s only police officer and she alone is responsible for the safety of everyone there. Her track record is perfect until one day when she responds to a call that changes everything.

Unseen & Unheard

Unseen & Unheard

When Swiyyah and Dederick got married, her schizophrenia was a challenge they thought was under control. Until it wasn’t. And Glynn tells a story at Snap LIVE in Brooklyn about searching for his lost friend in Las Vegas.

Bates & Stokes

Bates & Stokes

Two women, Bates and Stokes, were LPCs at Pontiac Correctional Center outside Chicago. They were popular with their clients. They always had each other’s back. And that… was just the start of their problems.